Episode 61 James Rudd Cardiac NaF PET
This video podcast features an interview with James Rudd on the topic of Na F PET imaging in cardiac disease. More information here http://www.cambridgecancercentre.org.uk/users/jhfrudd The first part will come as medium quality video for iphones or ipads or Audio Please let me know what you think about the video versions of the podcast. I am also looking for new material so please get in touch with me if you can contribute with an interview. Direct link to itunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-nuclear-medicine-molecular/id94286547?ign-mpt=uo%3D4 You can get the podcast page at both http://nuccast.com and http://www.nuccast.com with the feed to put into iTunes or juice or your favorite podcast software can be found at http://molcast.com/ . The cardiac subset of the podcast can be found at http://cardiac.nuccast.com/ Please pass on information about this podcast to your colleagues and to your CPD provider. Or you can subscribe by entering your email address below and you wil...